THE NUN II picks up the story of Sister Irene, who defeated a demon posing as a scary nun at an abandoned convent in Romania. Four years later, she’s enjoying life at a convent in Europe. However, the monsignor asks her to investigate several suicides of two priests and a nun, and the apparent murder of a priest in a small French town. The death trail leads back to Romania. Irene reluctantly agrees, and a young neophyte nun from America follows her. With help from a priest at the Catholic archives in France, they track the demonic nun to a girls’ boarding school near the small French town.

THE NUN II builds to a spectacular, scary confrontation with the demon at the boarding school. It has a strong Christian, moral worldview with many positive Christian references. Best of all, it extolls the power of faith and the power of the blood of Jesus to overcome evil. However, THE NUN II also contains intense violence involving scary demonic attacks and brief foul language, including one strong profanity. So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises strong or extreme caution.


(CCC, BBB, O, FR, L, VV, M)

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:

 Very strong Christian, moral worldview extols the power of faith, the power of the blood of Jesus to overcome evil, forgiveness, and the eucharist, where two nuns track and battle a powerful demon who poses as a nun, uses other supernatural attacks and possesses a man without his permission, which seems unbiblical or theologically incorrect

Foul Language:

 Two light obscenities, one strong profanity involving the name of Jesus Christ and four light exclamatory profanities

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 Lots of scary intense violence such as demon sets a priest on fire, the priest burns to death, the demon flings people around, an older woman is clocked on the head with a theatrical block from the ceiling, the next day the woman’s dead body is found with blood on her head and lying in a pool of blood, demon contorts people’s bodies in three or so scenes, possessed man menaces adults and children, a demon posing as a dead woman grabs the head of a teenage girl and tries to pull her into a room through a large vent, the dead person demon also drags another girl across the floor, a demonic goat/man chases and menaces people and children, a pagan priest stabs a female victim in the eyes in a flashback, demon lifts a woman up and tries to set her on fire, and she screams in pain, demon grabs a teenage boy and a woman by the neck in two scenes, part of a tower collapses, a large statue almost falls on a girl, girl hangs for life on a rickety wooden platform, etc.


 No sex


 No nudity

Alcohol Use:

 No alcohol use

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:

 Young nun smokes in one scene but no drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:

 Some miscellaneous immorality such as three girls at a boarding school play a prank on the headmistress and bully another girl at school, including trapping her inside a scary chapel that’s been locked for years because of a bomb during World War II that killed a boy.


THE NUN II is a supernatural horror movie about a young nun and her acolyte who track and battle a demon that poses as a scary nun and other malevolent forces and has possessed the soul of a young man who befriends a teacher and her daughter at a boarding school in France in 1956. THE NUN II builds to a spectacular confrontation with the demon and has a strong Christian, moral story that focuses on the power of the blood of Jesus Christ to overcome evil, but the movie’s theology about demonic possession is a bit aberrant, and the story is really scary and contains intense violence involving demonic attacks, so extreme caution is advised.

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The movie opens with the demon attacking a priest in France. As an altar boy watches in horror, the demon sets fire to the priest and lifts him up in the air.

Meanwhile, Sister Irene, who stopped the demon in the first movie, is living at a European convent where she’s recovering from her terrifying experience at an abandoned convent in Romania. She befriends a young black nun from Mississippi whose family home was burned down by the KKK, so her father sent his two sons into the army to serve their country and Debra to a convent to serve God.

The local Catholic bishop or monsignor calls Sister Irene in for a meeting. He tells her they’ve traced a series of suicides by Catholic priests and a nun from Romania to the church where the priest was burned to death. Irene reluctantly agrees to investigate the priest’s murder and find a way to stop the demon. On the train, she learns that Sister Debra has followed her to the train and

wants to help her. “I hope your faith will be strong enough when the time comes,” Sister Irene tells her.

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With help from a priest at the Catholic archives in France, Irene discovers that the demon wants to obtain a relic from a female saint who was killed by pagans after she miraculously survived a burning at the stake. She tracks the demon to a boarding school at a small town in France, where the relic has been hidden. Irene figures out that the demon has possessed the young man from Canada, Maurice, who saved her life in Romania. Maurice has signed on as the school’s maintenance man. At the school, Maurice has befriended Kate, one of the teachers there, and her young daughter, Sophie, who’s being bullied by three older girls.

Can Irene and Debra arrive at the school in time to stop the demon?

THE NUN II builds to a spectacular, scary confrontation with the demon at the boarding school. Using Maurice and other supernatural tricks, the demon not only attack Sister Irene and Sister Debra, it also attacks the other girls at the school and Kate and Sophie.

THE NUN II has a strong Christian, moral worldview with many Christian references. Best of all, it extolls the power of faith and the power of the blood of Jesus to overcome evil. The movie associates both these things with the eucharist in Christian churches, Jesus Christ’s sign of the New Covenant. The only caveat to this positive spiritual content is that the story seems to have an aberrant view of demonic possession. Thus, in the movie, the demon apparently didn’t need Maurice’s permission to possess him in Romania.

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