MFM Devotional 6 April 2024: Lessons From The Life Of Hezekiah (IV)

Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional 6 April 2024 By Dr. D.K Olukoya: Lessons From The Life Of Hezekiah (IV)

TOPIC: Lessons From The Life Of Hezekiah (IV) (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Devotional 5 April 2024)

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 22, 2 Samuel 23, 2 Samuel 24, Revelation 5, Revelation 6

FIRE SCRIPTURE: 2 Chronicles 30:1-27 (KJV)

1 And Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah, and wrote letters also to Ephraim and Manasseh, that they should come to the house of the Lord at Jerusalem, to keep the passover unto the Lord God of Israel.

2 For the king had taken counsel, and his princes, and all the congregation in Jerusalem, to keep the passover in the second month.

3 For they could not keep it at that time, because the priests had not sanctified themselves sufficiently, neither had the people gathered themselves together to Jerusalem.

4 And the thing pleased the king and all the congregation.

5 So they established a decree to make proclamation throughout all Israel, from Beersheba even to Dan, that they should come to keep the passover unto the Lord God of Israel at Jerusalem: for they had not done it of a long time in such sort as it was written.

6 So the posts went with the letters from the king and his princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and according to the commandment of the king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you, that are escaped out of the hand of the kings of Assyria.

7 And be not ye like your fathers, and like your brethren, which trespassed against the Lord God of their fathers, who therefore gave them up to desolation, as ye see.

8 Now be ye not stiffnecked, as your fathers were, but yield yourselves unto the Lord, and enter into his sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for ever: and serve the Lord your God, that the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you.

9 For if ye turn again unto the Lord, your brethren and your children shall find compassion before them that lead them captive, so that they shall come again into this land: for the Lord your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn away his face from you, if ye return unto him.

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10 So the posts passed from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh even unto Zebulun: but they laughed them to scorn, and mocked them.

11 Nevertheless divers of Asher and Manasseh and of Zebulun humbled themselves, and came to Jerusalem.

12 Also in Judah the hand of God was to give them one heart to do the commandment of the king and of the princes, by the word of the Lord.

13 And there assembled at Jerusalem much people to keep the feast of unleavened bread in the second month, a very great congregation.

14 And they arose and took away the altars that were in Jerusalem, and all the altars for incense took they away, and cast them into the brook Kidron.

15 Then they killed the passover on the fourteenth day of the second month: and the priests and the Levites were ashamed, and sanctified themselves, and brought in the burnt offerings into the house of the Lord.

16 And they stood in their place after their manner, according to the law of Moses the man of God: the priests sprinkled the blood, which they received of the hand of the Levites.

17 For there were many in the congregation that were not sanctified: therefore the Levites had the charge of the killing of the passovers for every one that was not clean, to sanctify them unto the Lord.

18 For a multitude of the people, even many of Ephraim, and Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun, had not cleansed themselves, yet did they eat the passover otherwise than it was written. But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, The good Lord pardon every one

19 That prepareth his heart to seek God, the Lord God of his fathers, though he be not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary.

20 And the Lord hearkened to Hezekiah, and healed the people.

21 And the children of Israel that were present at Jerusalem kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with great gladness: and the Levites and the priests praised the Lord day by day, singing with loud instruments unto the Lord.

22 And Hezekiah spake comfortably unto all the Levites that taught the good knowledge of the Lord: and they did eat throughout the feast seven days, offering peace offerings, and making confession to the Lord God of their fathers.

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23 And the whole assembly took counsel to keep other seven days: and they kept other seven days with gladness.

24 For Hezekiah king of Judah did give to the congregation a thousand bullocks and seven thousand sheep; and the princes gave to the congregation a thousand bullocks and ten thousand sheep: and a great number of priests sanctified themselves.

25 And all the congregation of Judah, with the priests and the Levites, and all the congregation that came out of Israel, and the strangers that came out of the land of Israel, and that dwelt in Judah, rejoiced.

26 So there was great joy in Jerusalem: for since the time of Solomon the son of David king of Israel there was not the like in Jerusalem.

27 Then the priests the Levites arose and blessed the people: and their voice was heard, and their prayer came up to his holy dwelling place, even unto heaven.

MEMORY VERSE: “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.” – Proverbs 22:28 (KJV)

Faith of our fathers, living still, in spite of dungeon, fire and sword, we will be true to thee till death!

Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit.


MFM Devotional For Today 2023 MESSAGE:

Hezekiah kept the Passover that had been long neglected. He restored the ancient landmark that had been removed. He brought back the old-time religion. Yes, we live in an age when anything goes even among believers. An era when we now water down the precepts of God. But it should be noted that the foundation of the Lord stands sure. He will not lower His standards for any of us. The scriptures cannot be broken to accommodate our wantonness.

A lot of us have removed the ancient landmarks that were handed over to us. We now want to serve God our way. We want to be more liberal and in so doing we are removing the ancient landmark. God is watching us! The cloud of witnesses in heaven is watching whether we will take our stand in God or blend with the doctrines of Nicolaitans. They are watching! We are living in a very corrupt world and the church of God is not spared; divers kinds of doctrines are making waves in the body. Amidst all of these, will you stand for God?

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Hezekiah in his zeal, brought back godly music (2 Chronicles 29:27,30). These days, strange doctrines have found their ways into the music world. You cannot decipher gospel music from worldly music again. The ancient musical landmark has been removed. May God send us revival again! Hezekiah in his zeal invited all other tribes to come to keep the Passover but some carnal minds mocked him (2 Chronicles 30:10). Note that in your bid to stand for the truth, carnal Christians will mock you. You will be persecuted and taunted, but stand firm. God will fight for you.



  1. Father, please forgive me in any area of life where I have removed the ancient landmark, in the name of Jesus.
  2. O God, arise and revive every dead part of my life, in the name of Jesus.
  3. My dry bones, receive the breath of God, in the name of Jesus.


  1. ⁠Father, send revival to Your Church, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Father, in wrath, please remember mercy, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Strange fire in the body of Christ, be quenched, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Revival fire of God, my life is available, fall upon me, in the name of Jesus.

MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to [email protected], +234 (803) 078-0919 OR +234 (817) 363-1657.

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