We know all 9 possible reasons you’re tired all the time


There may be several factors behind the feeling of permanent exhaustion.

Fatigue can make itself felt at the least expected moment of the day, and such a situation occurring once in a while should not be a concern.

However, when you lack energy every day, it is difficult to wait until the evening, and unfinished tasks start to pile up, it is worth looking for possible causes.

There may be several factors behind the feeling of permanent exhaustion.

One of the most common causes of lack of energy is low iron levels. We need this element to produce red blood cells, which are responsible for supplying oxygen to tissues and organs. If there is a lack of iron, the body does not produce enough red blood cells, resulting in lack of energy and fatigue. Its deficiency can be easily checked by a simple blood test. It most often affects pregnant women, those with heavy periods and vegans who follow a restrictive diet.

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Sleep is necessary for the body to regenerate, so if there is too little of it, this situation has consequences. Lack of sleep causes fatigue during the day, impairs concentration and reduces well-being. Moreover, it increases the risk of developing depression, circulatory diseases, type 2 diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Repeated stressful situations can also contribute to feelings of fatigue. Lack of relaxation and a feeling of danger cause the body to use up energy. If this condition continues, it may result in difficulty sleeping, which further deepens the general feeling of exhaustion.

What ends up on our plates provides fuel for the body. If it is of low value, you cannot expect that there will be enough energy. The quality and quantity of food consumed affects well-being and health. When the food lacks iron, magnesium, vitamin C and B vitamins, exhaustion occurs. A diet low in calories or full of fat or sweets also contributes to a greater feeling of fatigue.

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Although we rarely think about dehydration as a cause of lack of strength, an insufficient amount of water in the body causes headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, and lack of energy. We cannot forget that it builds our bodies to a large extent, so it is necessary for their proper functioning. Therefore, you should make sure to drink enough fluids during the day.

Although coffee is supposed to stimulate you, after some time its effect wears off and the body reacts with fatigue. Caffeine works best approximately 30 to 120 minutes after consumption. Moreover, drinking too much and drinking late at night can lead to sleep disturbances, which in turn results in even greater exhaustion. Therefore, caffeine should be consumed in moderate amounts to avoid harm.

Lack of exercise reduces physical condition and causes a lack of energy. Spending most of the day at a desk at work or on the couch at home causes mental fatigue, which in turn translates into a lack of strength and reluctance to act.

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Exercising too much without getting the rest you need leads to a lack of energy. Excessive physical exercise causes muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, fatigue and drowsiness. It has also been proven that overtraining can weaken immunity. So overdoing both the lack of exercise and too much exercise is harmful.

During a viral or bacterial infection, energy levels drop significantly because the body demands rest to gather strength to fight pathogens. This results in poorer well-being, drowsiness and lack of strength to act. Sometimes such problems can be caused by more serious diseases. These may include: anemia (anemia), hypothyroidism, heart disease or diabetes.

If fatigue is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor to discuss your health condition.

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