Anglican Devotional 16 February 2024 – Salvation Brings Joy

The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 16 February 2024 – Salvation Brings Joy

TOPIC: Salvation Brings Joy

READ: Psalm 53: 1-6 (NKJV)

  1. To the Chief Musician. Set to “Mahalath.” A Contemplation of David. The fool has said in his heart, “[There is] no God.” They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity; [There is] none who does good.
  2. God looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are [any] who understand, who seek God.
  3. Every one of them has turned aside; They have together become corrupt; [There is] none who does good, No, not one.
  4. Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge, Who eat up my people [as] they eat bread, And do not call upon God?
  5. There they are in great fear [Where] no fear was, For God has scattered the bones of him who encamps against you; You have put [them] to shame, Because God has despised them.
  6. Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion! When God brings back the captivity of His people, Let Jacob rejoice [and] Israel be glad.
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The Psalmist defines a fool as someone who does not believe in God. Fools also live corrupt and abominable lives and do nothing good. When God seeks for people with understanding who seek him, He finds none because there is nobody who does good. Sinners do not have the knowledge of God and do not call upon Him. That is why they fear where there is no fear, they have been scattered by God and put to shame. There shall be rejoicing when God brings back the captivity of His people.

The mind of a fool has been taken captive by Satan. He cannot seek God because he is in bondage. However, if the wicked turns away from his sins and begins to do what is good and right, he will live (Ezekiel 18: 27). Turn to God and pray so that He will bring you out of your captivity of anger, drugs, immorality, drunkenness, smoking, etc. Call on Jesus to set you free today (John 8: 36) and you will rejoice in the Lord (Philippians 4: 4). Your salvation is the greatest gift you will ever have; seek it for God did not appoint you to wrath, but to obtain salvation through Christ (1 Thessalonians 5: 9).

READ ALSO:  Anglican Devotional 14 January 2024 – Created To Glorify God

PRAYER: Father, please set the captives free and cause Your people to rejoice, Amen.

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