Mike Bamiloye Sends Emotional Message to His Wife Gloria Bamiloye As She Celebrates 60 Years

Mike Bamiloye Sends Emotional Message to His Wife Gloria Bamiloye As She Celebrates 60 Years.

Thr founder of the Popular faith based drama ministry Mount Zion Movie Ministries, Mike Bamiloye took to his official Instagram page to celebrate the wife of his youth and the mother of his children, Evangelist Gloria Bamiloye as she celebrates 60 years of age.

(Tribute to My Wife – Sister Gloria Bamiloye)

Proverbs 31:10-12, 23, 28, 30 NKJV
[10] Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.
[11] The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain.
[12] She does him good and not evil All the days of her life.

[23] Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land.

[28] Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her:
[30] Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

Yesterday, February 4th, 2024, was my wife’s 60th Birthday. And this year would be the 36 years since 1988 the year we got married, when she was only 24 years old and I was 28. Since then, we have travelled through the thicks and the thins together, we have climbed the mountains and descended into the valleys together. We have faced adverse physical and spiritual situations together. We have both confronted together, daunting challenges that have stood and those that are still standing against our lives and ministry.

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Yesterday, she was 60, it has been a huge celebration both in Nigeria
and US among our families and friends and co-ministers. Thanks to all Drama Ministers, the MZIAIF Worldwide, Vision Carriers Global Missions, MZI Students Nigeria, and our Pastor Tunde and Shade Badru, and brethren at RCCG King’s Palace, Katy Texas.

The Social Media was agog with congratulatory messages and Prayers from friends and fellow ministers worldwide.
Thank you all.

But what is special about this great woman is when I remember how we started and how we have been journeying this journey since then. And when I recall some of the things that happen today among our single and marriagable sisters, I can not but give praises to the Lord God who brought this simple and humble sister my way several years ago.

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Reactions from Mike Bamiloye’s followers online 👇👇

Congratulations sir and ma. Wishing you many happy returns of your day in good health and prosperity. God bless you more.

Happy belated Birthday Ma! The Media Ministry that you started with your Husband many years now has been a huge part of my childhood, left a lasting impression on me and has impacted me in the positive way for many years (thanks to my mum). I’m so glad that you get to be celebrated like this. You are truly the real deal. 👏🙌

Wow… Had A Similar Story I Once Lived In An Uncompleted Building, Sleeping On A Used Rug Without Windows And My Wife Now Who Was My Fiance Then Will Leave Her Comfort Zone To Come And Stay With Me, Many Discouragements From Her Family That I Have No Future Because I Had No Money To Take Good Care Of Her, At Times We Share Shawa Fish And Somedays We Drink Garri But We Thank God For Today Even She No Fit Remember The Suffering Again Because We Now Eat What We Feel Like Eating And Not What We See, Leaving In A Very Good Apartment With A Car With Our 3 Beautiful Kids. So Woman Should Look Into The Future And Not Present As Long As The Guy Is Focus And Hardworking With The Fear Of God, Because No Condition Is Permanent.

Happy birthday again ma. ❤️❤️❤️So so heartwarming. Thank you Lord for these vessels. Just like this, My husband and I will live long and celebrate 36years and more together proclaiming the gospel of Christ with our children in Jesus name 🙏💕💕

Congratulations and also happy birthday to her. Who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies!!! Surely the Lord’s favour is also upon you and God knew He could entrust such a beautiful gift to His faithful son.

Such an example ! Happy birthday again ma . I covet this sort of humility for myself to be able to journey through marriage with my husband in joy , happy anniversary , may God continue to carry you till the end . Amen

Happy Birthday to Evangelist Gloria Bamiloye as she clocks 60 years of age.

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