Mass Readings for : Tuesday, 28th May, 2024

Liturgical Readings for : Tuesday, 28th May, 2024

Tuesday of the Eight Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2


A reading from the first letter of St Peter      1:10-16
Their prophecies were about the grace which was to come to you. Free your minds, then, of encumbrances.

It was this salvation that the prophets were looking and searching so hard for; their prophecies were about the grace which was to come to you. The Spirit of Christ which was in them foretold the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would come after them, and they tried to find out at what time and in what circumstances all this was to be expected. It was revealed to them that the news they brought of all the things which have now been announced to you, by those who preached to you the Good News through the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, was for you and not for themselves. Even the angels long to catch a glimpse of these things.

Free your minds, then, of encumbrances; control them,
and put your trust in nothing but the grace that will be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Do not behave in the way that you liked to before you learnt the truth; make a habit of obedience:
be holy in all you do, since it is the Holy One who has called you, and scripture says: ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’

The Word of the Lord             Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm         Ps 97
Response                               The Lord has made known his salvation.

1. Sing a new song to the Lord for he has worked wonders.
His right hand and his holy arm have brought salvation.                       Response

2. The Lord has made known, his salvation; has shown his justice to the nations.
He has remembered his truth and love for the house of Israel.            Response

3. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
Shout to the Lord all the earth, ring out your joy.                                    Response

Gospel  Acclamation      Phil 2: 15. 16
Alleluia, alleluia!
You will shine in the world like bright stars
because you are offering it the word of life.

or                                          Mt 11: 2
Alleluia, alleluia!

Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children .


The Lord be with you.                             And with your spirit
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark       10:28-31         Glory to you, O Lord
You will  be repaid a hundred times over, not without persecutions
– now in this present time and, in the world to come, eternal life.

What about us?’ Peter asked Jesus. ‘We have left everything and followed you.’
Jesus said,
‘I tell you solemnly, there is no one who has left house, brothers, sisters, father, children or land for my sake and for the sake of the gospel who will not be repaid a hundred times over, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and land – not without persecutions – now in this present time and, in the world to come, eternal life.

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‘Many who are first will be last, and the last first’

The Gospel of the Lord.       Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Gospel Reflection           T
uesday           Eighth Week in Ordinary Time          Mark 10:28-31

In today’s first reading, Saint Peter says that the prophets were looking and searching hard for the grace that was given to us with the coming of Jesus. He goes on to say that ‘even the angels long to catch a glimpse of these things’. The author is reminding us of how greatly we have been blessed and graced through the coming of the Lord. We can take for granted the gospel that we have heard because it is so familiar to us. However, it is worth constantly renewing our appreciation for all that God has revealed to us and given us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

READ ALSO:  Mass Readings

In giving us his Son, God has given us the greatest gift he could give us. He alone is worth following and giving our lives to, because he is the way, the truth and the life. In the gospel reading, Jesus promises that if we do give our lives to him, if we allow him to shape and direct our lives, then we will receive much more from the Lord than we will give to him. Peter had the honesty to say to Jesus in that gospel reading, ‘What about us? We have left everything to follow you’. Having given up so much, he was wondering what they would gain. Even though it is a slightly self-serving question, Jesus takes it seriously, declaring that those who forego personal gain in their efforts to follow him will receive a hundred times over, not just in eternal life but in the present time. The way the Lord calls us to take is often the road less travelled because it is seen as the more difficult road, but if we take it Jesus assures us we will find life to the full both in the here and now and in eternity.

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The Scripture Readings are taken from The Jerusalem Bible, published 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd. 

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