Mass Readings for : Friday, 22nd March, 2024

Liturgical Readings for : Friday, 22nd March, 2024 Friday of the Fifth Week in LentTransferred Feast of St Macartan, bishop, may be celebrated today Both Jesus and Jeremiah were faced by disbelieving followers  but both were supportedby the knowledge that the Lord was on their side. FIRST READING A reading from the prophet Jeremiah         20:10-13The Lord is…

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Anglican Devotional 21 March 2024: Jesus – A True Comforter

The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 21 March 2024 – Jesus – A True Comforter TOPIC: Jesus – A True Comforter READ: John 11: 17-29 (NKJV) THE MESSAGE: The death of Lazarus increased the pain and agony of his direct family and the entire neighbourhood and several sympathisers came around to offer…

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