Anglican Devotional 18 July 2024: Avoid Drinking Alcoholic Drinks

The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 18 July 2024 – Avoid Drinking Alcoholic Drinks TOPIC: Avoid Drinking Alcoholic Drinks READ: Genesis 19:30-38 (NKJV) THE MESSAGE: After Sodom’s destruction, Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and dwelt in a cave in the mountains. This was because he felt insecure in Zoar. On…

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Anglican Devotional 16 July 2024: Abraham’s Intercessory Prayer

The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 16 July 2024 – Abraham’s Intercessory Prayer TOPIC: Abraham’s Intercessory Prayer READ: Genesis 18:16-33 (NKJV) THE MESSAGE: As Abraham was seeing off his three visitors, the Lord decided to reveal His mission to him. This was because Abraham “shall become a great nation and shall…

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Anglican Devotional 13 July 2024: Circumcision, An Everlasting Covenant

The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 13 July 2024 – Circumcision, An Everlasting Covenant TOPIC: Circumcision, An Everlasting Covenant READ: Genesis 17: 1-27 (NKJV) THE MESSAGE: God here establishes a covenant with Abraham. He undertook to be his God, bless him exceedingly, produce many nations from him, and give him the land…

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Anglican Devotional 12 July 2024: Divine Versus Human Arrangement

The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 12 July 2024 – Divine Versus Human Arrangement TOPIC: Divine Versus Human Arrangement READ: Genesis 16: 1-16 (NKJV) THE MESSAGE: After waiting for about 10 years in the Promised Land for the promised son, Abraham and Sarah grew weary in faith, and succumbed to human traditions….

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