Mass Readings for : Wednesday, 22nd November, 2023

Liturgical Readings for : Wednesday, 22nd November, 2023 Wednesday of the Thirty-Third week in Ordinary Time, Year 1Optional memorial of St Cecilia, virgin, martyr FIRST READING                       A reading from the second book of Maccabees        7:1. 20-31The creator of the world will give you back both breath and life. There were also seven brothers who were arrested with their…

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Mass Readings for : Monday, 20th November, 2023

Liturgical Readings for : Monday, 20th November, 2023 Monday of the Thirty Third Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1 FIRST READING       A reading from the first book of  Maccabees       1:10-15. 41-43. 54-57. 62-64It was a dreadful wrath that visited Israel. There grew a sinful offshoot, Antiochus Epiphanes, son of King Antiochus; once a hostage in Rome, he became…

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