Mass Readings for : Thursday, 14th December, 2023

Liturgical Readings for : Thursday, 14th December, 2023 Thursday of the Second Week of AdventMemorial of St John of the Cross, priest and doctor of the Church FIRST READING             A reading from the prophet Isaiah     41:13-21I, the Holy One of Israel, am your redeemer. For I, the Lord, your God, I am holding you by the right hand;I tell you, ‘Do not…

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Mass Readings for : Wednesday, 13th December, 2023

Liturgical Readings for : Wednesday, 13th December, 2023 Wednesday of the Second Week of Advent**************Memorial of St Lucy, virgin and martyr,  We should never feel weary, loosing trust in the Lord. He has promised  rest for the weary and overburdened FIRST READING                 A reading from the prophet Isaiah    40:25-31The Lord almighty gives strength…

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Mass Readings for : Tuesday, 12th December, 2023

Liturgical Readings for : Tuesday, 12th December, 2023 Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent Optional memorials  of Our Lady of Guadalupe andSt Finnian of ClonardIsaiah the prophet utters encouraging words to the formally enslaved Jewish nations that they were liberated.  God was about to lead his people away and Isaiah and John’s call for a suitable road for God to travel on. FIRST READING        …

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Mass Readings for : Saturday, 9th December, 2023

Liturgical Readings for : Saturday, 9th December, 2023 Saturday of the First week of AdventOptional Memorial of St Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, (” talking eagle”), visionary at Guadalupe God, our Father, hears the cries of his needy people and feels compassionfor those who have lost their way. FIRST READING             A reading from the prophet Isaiah   …

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Mass Readings for : Friday, 8th December, 2023

Liturgical Readings for : Friday, 8th December, 2023 08-12 The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, SolemnityThis feast celebrates Mary as a person of singular grace was preserved free of original sinin view of the merits of Jesus, her son and Saviour. FIRST READING           A reading from the book of Genesis       3:9-15. 20 I will…

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Mass Readings

Liturgical Readings for : Thursday, 7th December, 2023 Thursday of the First week of Advent  It is the upright nation, those who hear and do the will of God that will enter the kingdom.Memorial of St Ambrose, bishop and doctor of the church FIRST READING                 A reading from the prophet Isaiah      26:1-6Let…

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Mass Readings for : Wednesday, 6th December, 2023

Liturgical Readings for : Wednesday, 6th December, 2023 Wednesday of the First Week of Advent(The optional memorial feast today (Dec 6th) is of St Nicholas, 4th Century bishop of Myra, (modern Turkey).Patron of Russia, sailors, pawnbrokers and children . FIRST READING             A reading from the prophet Isaiah       25:6-10The Lord invites us to his banquet…

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Mass Readings for : Tuesday, 5th December, 2023

Liturgical Readings for : Tuesday, 5th December, 2023 Tuesday of the First Week of Advent  Today we hear about the Spirit of God ‘resting’ in Jesus and motivating him to fulfil his destiny to usher in a kingdom of peace and gratitude. ************************************FIRST READINGA reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah        11:1-10On him the spirit of…

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