Mass Readings for : Tuesday, 27th February, 2024

Liturgical Readings for : Tuesday, 27th February, 2024 Tuesday of the Second Week of LentMemorial may be made of St Gregory of Narek, abbot and doctor of the Church. Penance and prayer prepares us us for God’s implanting the seed that leads to Eternal life in God. FIRST READING A reading from the prophet Isaiah        1:10, 16-20Learn to do good, search for…

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Mass Readings for : Wednesday, 21st February, 2024

Liturgical Readings for : Wednesday, 21st February, 2024 Wednesday of the First Week of Lent A Memorial may be made of St Peter Damien, bishop and doctor of the Church During the season of Lent our eyes are focused on the crucifixion (and resurrection)of Christ from which comes our salvation and all graces. FIRST READING A reading from the prophet Jonah …

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